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Experience unique entertainment in a 360° gaming environment and crack all the high scores! In SoccerBot360 you can not only train like the pros and talents of top European clubs to take you to the next level, but also gamble for high scores together or against friends! Play in virtual gaming worlds with or against each other for the ultimate fun factor. Still have no idea how to celebrate your birthday? How about a birthday challenge in SoccerBot360 with your best friends? Company events and team building activities can also be implemented in a cool way in SoccerBot360! Simply book a session and you´ll be immersed in our 360° sports world.

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Battle mode

Now compete in battle mode with your friend in the SoccerBot360. In addition to an incredible amount of fun, it offers the opportunity to challenge your fellow players in a wide variety of modes and fight with them for victory.

Interactive Scenes

Game scenes in which a decision is made with the ball at the foot can be created in SoccerBot360. In this way, a catalog of position-specific situations can be built up and used specifically for game preparation or the integration of new players.


cognitive training

Cognitive skills and technical skills are trained together in a variety of training modes. High scores are hunted alone or in a team and in battle mode there is a direct duel. Individually adjustable levels with different levels of difficulty enable training for everyone - no matter what level of performance.


Cognitive factors and technical skills can be queried using various performance tests. Whole test batteries can be put together from individual tests according to individual needs. The performance tests are developed and validated in cooperation with sports scientists and sports psychologists.


Besuch uns in Berlin Adlershof!

Diagnostik, Training und Events in unserem SoccerBot360. Neu in Berlin Adlershof buche jetzt deinen Time-Slot und probier es selbst aus! 

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